The Nurtured Community - Well-Being Through Connecting


Compassion Week came to a close last Sunday, November 19. It was an amazing week filled with warmth, joy, connections, and hope, all in the spirit of this year's theme: The Nurtured Community: Well-Being Through Connecting.

We kicked off Compassion Week with our own “Houston has heART,” program, celebrating Houston’s 10 years as a Compassionate City.

And on the following Monday, November 13, Compassion Week 2023 took off on World Kindness Day, a global day, introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world.

The purpose of this day, celebrated on November 13 of each year, is to help everyone understand that compassion for others is what binds us all together.

Enjoy a selection of photos below by photographer Laura Burlton. Moments of connections, joy, and celebrations during our kick-off event on 11/11.

Thank you for joining our programs

First and foremost, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to each of you who attended one or more of our 18 programs during Compassion Week.

Your presence and active participation made the events truly special and inspiring. We loved hearing from many of you of the deep meaning and connection you experienced.

Thank you Compassionate Artists!

Our "Houston has heART" events brought together our esteemed Compassionate Artists, and we are incredibly thankful for their sharing of hope, diversity, and kindness through visual art, poetry, and music.

Thank you to our Committees and Volunteers!

Behind the scenes, our dedicated committees worked tirelessly, investing time, creativity, and long hours in designing, planning and promoting a diverse range of programs. Their unwavering dedication and passion were  instrumental in bringing Compassion Week to life. We are truly grateful for their commitment and the impact they have made.

And a big thank you to our volunteers! From supporting the program committee, to serving food, cleaning up, to IT support and greeting visitors. We couldn't have it done it without you!

Shout-Out to Compassion Week Partners!

We would also like to extend our deepest appreciation to our partner organizations, sponsors, and friends. Their unwavering support and meticulous planning resulted in offerings that attracted many, becoming for some a highly-anticipated schedule for the whole week! As a result, we were able to reach over 500 attendees and to create a strong and compassionate community together,

A Message to our partners from board President Pam Lewis, Ph.D

On behalf of our entire board, I thank our partners for their unwavering collaboration and resilient and innovative spirits over the past decade. They make a lasting impact on our collective mission and vision by elevating through synergy all of our individual efforts. With them, we look forward to another decade of deeply cultivating the compassionate culture of Greater Houston!


As we reflect upon the notable moments forged with both new and familiar faces during Compassion Week, we are reminded anew of the power of unity and connection. Together, we have experienced how the power of community has the ability to uplift, inspire, and create positive change in individuals, groups, and the environment around us. Moments of kindness and nurture, big or small, create elevated spirits whose ripple effects keep spreading outward.

On this Thanksgiving, we thank you for your collective support and involvement in our mission to spread compassion. Your participation in Compassion Week made a meaningful impact on the lives of others in our community as a whole. We look forward to embarking on more impactful journeys with you.

 Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous and grateful Thanksgiving.

 With gratitude,

Board of Directors Compassionate Houston

As we celebrated Houston’s 10th anniversary as a Compassionate City on Saturday, November 11, 6-8pm at The Alta Arts, showcasing our Compassionate Artists of the Year from the visual, musical and literary arts, we are grateful for The Houston Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs and Houston Arts Alliance who approved our grant application for funding under the Let Creativity Happen! Grant Program for our milestone event.