Daily Doses of Compassion
Come back each day of Compassion Week and receive links to our Daily Dose of Compassion activities, reflections, poems, and Charter Readings (the latter one at different times for ease in attending). In addition, a daily newsletter goes out to our subscribers during the week of October 12-18. Not a subscriber? Click here to receive our news and updates on programs and events.
Each day is dedicated to cultivating basic human values for the purpose of increasing individual, social and environmental flourishing, covered in-depth in the Compassionate Integrity Training program.
Monday, October 12 - Theme: Mindful
Daily Poem: Allow by Danna Faulds
Daily Action: How Mindfulness Empowers Us - Give it a try!
Daily Contemplation: 11-minute Body Scan
Tuesday, October 13 - Theme: EMOTIONALLY AWARE
Daily Poem: The Journey by Mary Oliver
Daily Action: Affirmation Letter to Self
Daily Contemplation: Morning Affirmation
Wednesday, October 14 - Theme: grateful
Daily Poetic Reflection: Gratitude by David Whyte
Daily Action: Appreciating Another
Daily Contemplation: The Short Film by Louie Schwartzberg
Thursday, October 15 - Theme: TOGEther human
Daily Poem: Gate A4 by Naomi Shihab Nye
Daily Action: Just Like Me Awareness With Short Video
Daily Contemplation: Just Like Me Meditation
friday, October 16 - Theme: Empathetic/Kind
Daily Poem: Lasting Kindness by Rumi
Daily Action: The Kindest Thing I Have Done For Another
Daily Contemplation: Loving Kindness Meditation
Saturday, October 17 - Theme: we depend on each other
Daily Poem: Human Family by Maya Angelou
Daily Action: Is This Really Just a Shirt?
Daily Contemplation: Reflection on Interdependence
All Compassion Week offerings are freely given from us to you, including the live and on-demand streaming of Dr. Doty and Sean Fitzpatrick's interview and Q&A session. If you are inclined to donate to our mission of cultivating Houston's compassionate culture, your generosity is deeply appreciated!