Compassion and Compassionate Houston at your fingertips
Since 2011, Compassionate Houston has served as an umbrella and a lightning rod for Houstonians with a “Passion for Compassion.” Our mission is to cultivate the compassionate culture of Greater Houston, based on the principles of the Charter for Compassion and its Compassionate Cities/Communities model. With four specific aims, we meet those goals in collaboration with our network of partners, our all-volunteer working Board, one virtual assistant, and volunteers through select educational, collaborative, and compassion-focused programs and projects designed to raise compassionate awareness and spread the message of common humanity.
Our four main aims
To provide and support compassion skills education and practices across our city and the region.
To provide opportunities for partners and individuals to network, thereby fostering innovative and synergistic solutions toward community needs.
To foster initiatives that nurture inter-cultural relationships and understanding.
To recognize innovative, compassion-focused individual and group projects and help connect volunteers with service projects.
Presenting at your fingertips
How can you get started, where do you find information, how do you stay connected so you can become one of our trailblazers?
Start with the Charter for Compassion
#1: Read the Charter for Compassion. A brief background on the Charter and it’s guiding four paragraphs.
#2: Affirm the Charter for Compassion as individual and join leading thinkers of our time in activating the Golden Rule around the world.
#3: Affirm the Charter for Compassion as an organization and bring an awareness of compassion and action as we interact with other people and with our environment. On their website, you can also learn about the various sectors your organization might like to engage with.
Continue with Compassionate Houston
#4: Subscribe to our newsletter. Join our community! See our work in action. Stay connected. Compassionate people like you are changing the world.
#5: If you are a non-profit organization, faith community or business with a compassionate mission or focus and would like to join Compassionate Houston’s umbrella, follow a few simple steps.
#6: We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your generosity allows our work, like seeds, to take root and flourish in the Greater Houston community and world. Every little amount counts.
#7: Contact us. We’d love to hear from you. We want to connect most effectively with you and your needs. Let’s start a conversation.
#8: Enjoy our 2021 webinar, part of the Charter for Compassion’s global community webinar series with board members sharing the unique characteristics that come with the size and diversity of Houston’s community, our aims, programs and network. Click here.
An Introduction to Compassion -
By the International Center for Compassionate Organizations
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”