We are the most diverse city in the U.S. We belong to each other.


Dear Compassionate Houston Community and Friends,

As we step into a new year, may our hearts be filled with compassion and our minds enlightened with wisdom. With that strength and balance, let us all work together to heal our world and bring hope, connection, peace, and harmony to all. Join us in our theme of "Exploring the Best in Ourselves and Each Other" in 2025. Thank you for being part of the journey, and here’s to a bright year ahead!

With kind wishes,                                                                                                                                                                                Board of Directors Compassionate Houston


Finding Our Way Together in 2025

As we close out 2024 and start a new year, we carry with us the beautiful sentiment expressed by Anita Kruse, founder and director of Purple Songs Can Fly, in her original song “HAND IN HAND -FACE TO FACE: “Let's find a place where we all connect, as our journeys merge with each searching step.” Let its melody and message resonate with you as we look forward to a new year filled with hope and connection.

Original Song Composed for Compassionate houston

Listen to and read the lyrics of an original song by songwriter Anita Kruse, founder and director of Purple Songs Can Fly.

> Heartfelt lyrics and melody

Upcoming Programs 2025


Volunteer Opportunity - Project Kindness 2025

We are actively recruiting for Project Kindness 2025, a program designed to uplift the power of kindness and spread the message of shared humanity.

If you are 65 or older, this program, now in its 5th year, might be a wonderful and rewarding way to start your new year.


Click on the links below for detailed information and to register for Project Kindness, beginning soon.

Registration Deadline: January 24 *** Project Kindness Starts: February 3 *** Volunteer Orientation: The week of Jan 27-31


Our First Book Study 2025 - You don’t want to miss it!

For the New Year, let’s try cultivating hope! According to Stanford professor of psychology, Jamil Zaki’s research, hope is a better response to life’s challenges than cynicism. The Greater Good Science Center spoke to Zaki about the importance of hope—and why practicing hope should be part of everyone’s New Year’s resolution. Enjoy a short, honest and insightful interview and introduction to the book > here.

  • In Hope for Cynics, Zaki explores the inherent capacity for kindness, empathy, and altruism in humans and encourages readers to recognize and cultivate the positive traits within themselves and others.


Four consecutive Thursday evenings, February 6,13, 20, 27 from 7:00-8:30pm via Zoom


Meditate & Connect with Marci

You are invited to a monthly 30-minute lunchtime program series with our partner, Marci Sharif. Use part of your lunch hour to get centered, meditate, and connect over a specific topic related to wellness each month. The program is online via Zoom and free to attend.

  • If you previously submitted a registration form for Marci’s monthly program, there is no need to register again. We will email you a Zoom link the morning of the event.

February Meditate & Connect with Marci:

Date: Tuesday, February 18, 12-12:30 PM. Topic: Spread the Love: A Meditation for Kindness Registration: Coming soon

Sign the Charter for Compassion


Compassionate Houston was inspired by the Charter for Compassion. Its principles of treating others with respect; encouraging appreciation of cultural and religious diversity; and cultivating an informed empathy with the suffering of all human beings were our aspirational foundation.

How can you get started, where do you find information, how do you stay connected so you can become one of our trailblazers?

Check out our “Compassion AT YOUR FINGERTIPS” page.

AFFIRM the Charter today: http://charterforcompassion.org Video Produced by: Captain & The Fox (captainandthefox.com) in partnership with WORKSHOP (workshoplovesyou.com). Video Music Composed by: Naturalistic (naturalistic.net) The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves.


Grow With Us

Tell us how we can support you and collaborate to grow the compassionate culture of Houston through awareness, education, community, and service.


Throughout the year, we are launching programs, opportunities, and service projects that address Compassionate Houston’s main objectives. We want to connect most effectively with you and your needs. Please fill out our survey by clicking on the button “Individual Survey.”

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.
— The 14th Dalai Lama