Compassionate Houston is excited to announce a new monthly lunchtime program series with our partner Marci Sharif. Marci is an author, yoga teacher, meditation facilitator, and mother, and the former columnist of “Feeling Matters” in the Houston Chronicle. Learn more about Marci at
Meditate & Connect with Marci: Starting the New Year with Elevated Intentions
Marci will present a virtual meditation and connection circle once each month, during the lunch hour, for connecting with compassion. Each session will be 30 minutes long, from 12-12:30 pm. Use part of your lunch break to center, meditate and connect. With a self-care and kindness focus, Marci will guide an inward and outward exploration of a specific topic related to wellness each month. January’s kickoff theme is “Starting the New Year with Elevated Intentions.”
Kickoff Date: Thursday, January 18, 2024 (More dates to come each month!)
Time: 12-12:30 PM
Location: Online via Zoom
Registration: Participation is free of charge. > Click here to register!